Friday, June 26, 2009
Frizz Free
Pricey serums, scorchingly hot tools, noxious straightening chemicals like formaldehyde -- women aren't afraid to bring out the big guns in the war on frizz. But many of these methods can actually cause frizz. "When the cuticle is damaged -- which can occur from chemical processing, UV exposure, or excessive heat styling -- it becomes porous, allowing water to enter the hair shaft and swell it open," says Joseph Cincotta, a cosmetic chemist. In civilian terms, that's frizz -- and you don't have to have curly hair to get it. Thankfully, there are safe solutions, including breakthrough products that seal the cuticle to keep out moisture and simple but effective styling techniques.
Choose a shampoo and conditioner for your hair type with smoothing ingredients such as silicones. Wash hair, then leave conditioner on for a full five minutes. Once out of the shower, blot -- don't rub -- hair with a towel.
Rub a dime-size drop of anti-frizz serum or cream between your hands; rake your fingers through the length of hair, concentrating on the outer layer. If hair is particularly damaged, spritz on a heat-protecting spray.
If you are wearing your hair straight, blow-dry it using the dryer's nozzle attachment and a big round brush. The technique is up to you, as long as you aim the air down the hair shaft and keep at it until hair is completely dry.
Or, if you are wearing your hair curly, dry from underneath, using a diffuser attachment on the blow-dryer; cup the ends of your hair with your hand and gently lift them up a few inches as you go to help keep curls intact.
For straight hair, spritz shine spray into one palm and rub your hands together, then smooth lightly over hair. Do the same for curly hair, using an anti-frizz styling cream; be sure to just skim palms over the surface to avoid flattening.
Once a week, apply a deep-conditioning treatment with keratin to damp, just-shampooed hair. Leave it on for ten minutes. The conditioners seal the cuticle to keep out moisture, while the keratin strengthens it to resist damage.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Frizz Free Products
- Look for shampoo and conditioner with silicones. For thick hair, try Biolage Smooththérapie Shampoo and Conditioner; for curls, try Bain de Terre All About Curls Shampoo and Conditioner (;
- Water-based products tame frizz well on straight hair. We like Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine Anti-Frizz Serum (1) for use on damp hair. On dry hair, try Redken Vinyl Glam 02 Mega Shine Spray (3) (;
- For curly hair, choose anti-frizz creams rather than serums or sprays. If you plan to blow-dry hair straight, go with John Frieda Collection Frizz-Ease Smoothing Crème. If diffusing curls, try Living Proof No Frizz Styling Cream (2). To skim over dry hair, we like L'Oréal Professionnel Liss Ultime Smoothing Leave-In Treatment (4) (; Living Proof,;
- Use a weekly treatment with keratin, such as Liquid Keratin Deep De-Frizz Conditioner (
Monday, June 22, 2009
Top 20 Secrets
1. Cool Your Conditioner "Leave conditioner in the fridge to keep it cool. This way, it will instantly seal the cuticles because it's already at a low temperature." -- celebrity hairstylist Tippi Shorter
2. Apply Product Strategically "Where you should apply product depends on texture. For fine hair, concentrate volumizers near the root for body and lift. For other textures, don't start at the top of your head or with your bangs because too much styling or smoothing product there will weigh down your hair." -- celebrity hairstylist Kiyah Wright
3. Rinse, Then Rinse Again "The key to a sleek, shiny finish is a thorough cleansing. Take the time to rinse well-- leftover oils, dirt and products make hair look dull and lifeless. A clean canvas ensures a great style." -- celebrity hairstylist David Babaii
4. Plump Up Fine Hair "Mousse is great for adding volume to fine hair. Apply it only to the roots-- to avoid making hair appear stringy-- then hold hair vertically and blast with heat to seal in volume." -- celebrity hairstylist Richard Marin
5. Fix Flyaways "Spritz holding spray onto a natural-bristle eyebrow brush. Use it to lock unruly hairs into place around your part, hairline and above the ears." -- celebrity hairstylist Mark Townsend
6. Butter Up Brittle Strands To moisturize dry hair, apply organic almond butter to the parched areas. Let the butter soak in for 30 minutes, then shampoo and rinse well. -- David Babaii
7. Dry Curls Like a Pro "Blow-drying curly hair can be tricky. The key is to keep your blow-dryer on the lowest setting and direct the air downward to prevent frizz. Want more definition? Once it's completely dry, set your hair in large heated rollers, tucking the hair under and rolling up instead of outward. Leave the rollers in for 20 minutes and then run your fingers through your hair to create loose, flowing curls." -- celebrity hairstylist Frédéric Fekkai
8. Beat the Bends Hold loose strands back while applying your makeup with a duckbill clip. Place a folded tissue (or a business card) between your hair and the clip to prevent creases. -- Tippi Shorter
9. Updating Your Hair Color? Update Your Lipstick Kiyah Wright suggests switching your lip color so the new shades work together. Here are her perfect pairings:
Blond: Blond hair looks great with pastel pink lip hues, as well as rich tomato-y reds.
Redhead: Red is a bold hair color, so use rosy lipsticks and lip stains that match your natural lip color.
Brunette: Plum, nude and sheer lip tones all work best with dark hair.
Friday, June 19, 2009
The Truth about Your Hair: Part 3
Notes about detangling hair and hair loss:
Many people are misinformed that it is safer to detangle the hair while it is dry. One must understand that the hair can stretch up to 50% of its length while wet without breakage, however, while dry, hair will break before it stretches 25% of its length. It is best to keep a wide-toothed comb within your shower to detangle & seal split-ends, as described above, while using a low pH (3.5 to 5.5 acidic) crème rinse or daily conditioner.
On the subject of misperceived hair loss - many people turn fearful upon seeing their hairbrush & shower drain filled with an inordinate amount of their hair. I wish to relieve some of this fear by stating the fact that each strand of hair has a lifespan of 2 to 7 years before a new hair begins to grow in its place, pushing it out to end up in one's brush or shower drain. This means everyone sheds 50 to 80 hairs from their head everyday. If one has longer hair it may give the false appearance that they a shedding more hair daily than the average amount. One should only be concerned if the hair being shed daily is not being replaced by new hair growth, however, this is the subject of a future article.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The Truth about Your Hair: Part 2
Conclusion #2: Since the hair we visually see above the surface of the scalp is essentially dead matter, how can we repair it from external environmental and/or chemical damage? First, we must realize that any product remedy we might add to our hair is always a temporary fix, no matter how good it is at initially solving certain hair challenges. Any product that is effective at controlling frizzies must be used periodically to continue to be effective. Some haircare products work for longer periods between uses, while others must be used every day to overcome challenges like split-ends.
This brings us to several fallacies concerning the shampoo and conditioning of hair. One of which is that a shampoo alone can increase the overall health of the hair. Shampoo, no matter what exotic or expensive ingredients are added to it, is designed to perform one single task - to cleanse the hair of excessive sebum (natural oils), body sweat and environmental impurities. It is a scientific contradiction that cleansing the hair alone will keep it healthy, once you have stripped it of all of its natural protective properties, like sebum. The longer your hair is, the less the chance is that these natural hair oils will reach the mid-shaft to ends of your hair with daily shampooing. This leaves the older and more vulnerable sections of the hairshaft exposed to further damage from heated styling appliances and chemical processes, such coloring or permanent waving.
Therefore, the mid-shaft to ends of your hair do not need the same intense daily cleansing as the first few inches of hair closest to the scalp. The remedy is very simple - as you gently massage your scalp while shampooing, only apply and focus your shampoo within the first 2 - 3 inches of hair closest to your scalp. When you rinse the shampoo from this base section of the hair it will quickly pass though the mid-shaft to ends of your hair, thus providing these areas with the lighter cleansing they require.
Many people have the misconception that daily conditioning (protection) of their hair will cause flatness or added weight. This challenge is easily resolved by, first, knowing how to physically condition the hair and, second, by understanding the different intended uses of the main 3 types of conditioners, i.e. - rinses, daily and deep conditioners.
Daily conditioning (protecting) any type of hair, from thin & fine to thick & frizzy, is basically the same. It is simply the reverse concept of shampooing hair as discussed above - considering that throughout the course of the day the first 3 inches of hair closest to the scalp will receive an adequate supply of naturally-occurring hair oil (sebum). Therefore, if you condition this area with a crème rinse or daily conditioner it can become over-conditioned, heavy & less manageable. The solution is to apply your conditioner from the mid-shaft (3 inches from scalp) of the hair to the ends. Then using a wide-toothed comb and holding onto the ends of your hair, gently comb the conditioner from mid-shaft to ends for even distribution, detangling and sealing split ends. By the time you finish doing this, the conditioner will have remained within your hair for the appropriate 3 to 5 minutes to be effective in temporarily repairing any damaged or frizzy areas.
The concept for applying deep conditioners is the same as above, however, the time the conditioner is left within the hair must be extended up to 20 minutes to allow penetration into the inner (cortical) layer of the hairshaft - only 10 minutes if your wrap your hair in a moist, hot towel. Deep conditioning should be done sparingly - once per week for most hair types. Deep conditioning the hair more than this is could cause the opposite intended effect. If you over-use a protein-based deep conditioner to strengthen and add body, it could cause the hair to become dry and brittle. If you over-use a moisturizing or oil-based deep conditioner, it could cause your hair to become limp and lifeless.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The Truth about your Hair
Conclusion #1:We must be concerned with preventative maintenance by creating a healthy environment below the surface of the scalp, where hair is germinated or born. Since hair in its basic form is 100% keratin (protein), our diets should consist of a good balance of easily digested protein, i.e. - dairy products, poultry and meat. For those of us who are vegans, good protein alternatives are nuts, beans and the old stand-by - peanut butter. I suspect that with the popular emergence of low-carbohydrate/high-protein diets, we in turn will begin to see more heads of hair with less frizzies and easily split ends.
Now, how do we ensure this quality protein gets to the living roots of our hair? Just as we stimulate quality muscle growth through exercising and bringing protein-laden blood to specific body parts, we can do the same for our hair. This is easily achieved by simply massaging your scalp, once a day, while you shampoo and condition your hair. You'll not only have cleaner and more thoroughly conditioned hair, but you will have stimulated protein-supplying blood to feed the germinating roots of your hair. Be careful to use only the pads of your fingers in small circular motions as you gently massage your scalp. Never use your fingernails for this purpose as you can cause abrasions to your scalp that could lead to infection and possible skin disorders.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Natural Hair & Nails
How to get great hair & nails - naturally
by Nancy Dodd Cates
As with skin, the beauty of hair and nails begins with good nutrition, adequate rest, and good personal grooming habits. And, although a beautiful head of hair and well-manicured nails are not necessarily essential to good health, when they look good, we feel good.
Sometimes, in our efforts to beautify our hair and nails, we may do more damage than good. Here, let's take a look at how we can make our tresses and tips look great, gently.
Hair: combing through the facts
More Articles of Interest
The "power" of hair has been noted time and time again. As far back as biblical times in the story of Samson and Delilah, Samson's great physical strength was found in the length of his hair, as long as it remained untouched by a razor. O. Henry turned long, beautiful hair into the "Gift of the Magi." And Mitzi Gaynor, as she crooned with her fellow nurses that she was going to "wash that man right out of her hair" in the 1958 musical, "South Pacific."
Yet today, we bleach, dye, sunburn, overwash, undercondition, expose to the elements, fry, stretch, and break our hair. Fortunately, there's lots we can do to prevent damage and protect our hair.
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, approximately 90 percent of hair on the scalp is continually growing (growing cycle), while 10 percent is in a resting cycle. The growth period lasts two to six years and slows down as we age. The resting cycle lasts only several weeks, and the "falling out" cycle is when hair dies, and falls out, to be replaced by new hair. "Most head hair grows about half an inch per month, faster in the summer," says Earl Mindell, R.Ph., in Dr. Earl Mindell's What You Should Know About Beautiful Hair, Skin and Nails. "We normally shed 50-100 hairs per day."
Hair loss can be caused by a number of factors including genetics, depression, disease, surgery, childbirth, and ringworm (a fungus). Some medications (e.g., birth control pills) can contribute to hair loss. Two of the biggest factors of hair loss in women are stress and yo-yo dieting.
Hair care considerations
Shampoo. When selecting a shampoo, choose one with a pH balance of 7, as alkaline shampoos may clean your hair, but may, over time, also alter the acid balance.
In shampooing, follow these basics (Mother Nature's Guide):
* Rinse your hair first with warm water;
* Pour a little shampoo (diluted with water) into your hands, then massage it into your scalp and hair;
* Rinse with warm water until all the shampoo has gone down the drain;
* Wrap a towel around your head, press to blot excess water, then dry gently;
* Use a wide-toothed comb with rounded tips and draw it through your hair while wet to detangle. Never pull or stretch the hair, especially when wet.
Brushing. There is disagreement over whether you should brush your dry hair the old-fashioned 100 strokes daily, or not. In truth, it depends on the condition of your hair. If your hair is in good condition, brushing draws the oils through and stimulates circulation. If your hair is in poor condition, brushing could break the strands.
The most important part of brushing is stimulating the scalp, which can also be done with your fingertips. To do this, lean your head over to increase blood flow and start in the top center of the scalp with small rotating movements and move outward.
Hot oil treatments. Hot oil treatments with the proper ingredients used once or twice a week will improve the condition of your hair. Look for products containing such ingredients as jojoba oil, olive oil, evening primrose oil, or wheat germ oil and vitamin E. Essential oils, such as rosemary, cedar-wood, juniper, lavender, lemongrass, nettle, or thyme are also good for hair.
Place the product in a container of hot tap water for several minutes. Apply first to dampen the entire scalp, then pat through to moisturize the hair. Massage into the scalp for approximately five minutes and then leave on for 20 minutes. You will probably need to shampoo more than once to remove all the oil, and then rinse with water. Your hair will soon have a silky feel and a lustrous shine.
While the heat of a hot oil treatment may help your hair, too much heat from styling tools, such as blow dryers and curling irons, can hurt it. Avoid overuse of such tools. Your best bet is to let hair "air-dry" as often as possible, and, when blow-drying, use the coolest setting possible.
Remember that the sun, too, can have a drying effect on the hair, so be sure to wear a hat or scarf to protect it.
Hair dyes and sprays. As far as hair dyes and bleaches are concerned, it is better to stick with natural products, rather than harsh chemicals. One natural, ancient hair coloring of choice is the henna herb (Lawsonia alba), which contains 1 percent of a coloring compound called lawsone.
Another effective ingredient found in natural dyes is black walnut, say Myra Cameron and Theresa Foy Di-Geronimo in their book, Mother Nature's Guide to Vibrant Beauty and Health.
As for gray hair, Cameron and DiGeronimo say, "...premature graying is linked to heredity, stress, and nutritional deficiencies." They say that nutritionists have reported success with a high-protein diet plus two tablespoons each of brewer's yeast and vegetable oil daily, and the following supplements: B-complex, choline, and PABA.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Choosing A Beauty Career
Choosing a Beauty Career
If you′ve longed for a career that allows you to express yourself and be creative while also challenging you and pushing you forward, consider a career in the beauty industry. A beauty career is exciting and fast-paced, and gives you tremendous creative freedom and the ability to forge your own career path and set your own rules. If you′ve always loved style, fashion, and following trends and pop culture, you′ll find a career in the beauty industry will turn these fun hobbies into a rewarding career. There are many careers within the beauty industry, including haircutting and styling, makeup artistry, nail technology, electrolysis and hair removal, and even massage and natural skincare.
Beauty schools can be found throughout the United States, from large colleges where you can study many different aspects of the beauty industry, to specialized schools that offer intense training in a particular field. Beauty schools usually offer the option of a time-intensive, condensed course of study or allow you to take classes one by one, as your time and budget allows. No matter what your current career, you can find a great beauty school where you can work towards a degree and finally get into the job of your dreams. Beauty schools range in price, but they are generally very affordable and most offer financial assistance or individualized payment plans. The bottom line is that it′s incredibly easy to get started on the path to a new, more fulfilling career.
Once you′ve graduated from an accredited beauty program and are licensed in your state, the possibilities are endless. You may want to work with a team at a salon or spa, or set up your own business. Many graduates choose to work freelance, so that they can dictate their own hours and fit their jobs more easily into their lifestyles. There is always a lot of work for freelancers, including private in-home sessions with clients, hair and makeup for weddings and special events, and also the lucrative field of fashion, print advertising and entertainment work. No matter what area of the beauty industry you settle into, make sure that you remember that work should be fun. This creative and dynamic field is a wonderful world for those people who want to wake up motivated every day and be excited by the prospects that each day brings.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Beauty Careers Recession Proof?
Great article today at:
Are beauty careers recession proof?In troubling times, most people feel that their careers could be in jeopardy – but there are a few careers that are not seeing the ax. Cosmetology and beauty careers are among those seeing an increase in demand for skilled professionals.
Some people might feel that spending money on cosmetology services to make them look better will be put on hold in troubling financial times. But it turns out it’s the exact opposite! Since the baby boomers are aging, many feel the hands of time are ticking against them and some will do anything to erase Father Time from their faces, hands and hair. Also, many people can no longer afford those luxurious vacations, and instead take a luxurious trip to the salons and spas.
Many professional women want to make sure that they’re looking their best so that they’re ready for that last-minute job interview or looking polished when out networking. And everyone still wants to look beautiful for the big events in their lives, such as graduation and weddings. That means there is an ever-growing demand for licensed estheticians and cosmetologists.
Training to become a beauty professional might be a smart move in troubling times. The demand for cosmetology, hairstyling and esthetics professionals is increasing - even during the recession. And when the economy starts to take off again, studying to become and working as a beauty professional could secure your future even more.
We want to hear from you! Beauty professionals and students, are you worried about the pinch of the recession economy? Or do you have a steady stream of business in these troubling times?
Academy Highlight:

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Bad Hair Day?
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Crazy Hair
Crazy Hairstyles Reign at the Colour Trophy Final
Big hair is back in a big way — at least at this year's L'Oréal Colour Trophy Final. The 54-year-old event, held in London, invites stylists throughout the United Kingdom to create avant-garde and fantasy-filled hairstyles. As with last year's competition, the results are delightfully over the top. Have a look when you read more.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Today on MSN: How to Score a Great Hair Cut
Meet Eva Scrivo: Architect of Hair Styling
Expert stylist gives tips on everything you need to know to score a great haircut.

Do you get nervous every time a hairstylist wields their scissors upon your hair?
I was that person—until recently. Until I met Eva Scrivo (left, there's me getting my tresses trimmed by Eva).
My salon phobia did not happen overnight. It culminated following a string of strange haircuts that still remain a mystery to me.
I’ve had my hair cut lop-sided (left side longer than the right side and no, it was not an asymmetrical cut), I’ve asked for a trim and wound up leaving the salon with a chin-length bob, I’ve been scorned for having such thick hair (“Your hair is so hard to cut”).
Then, I got what I call the “mop” cut—short layers cut underneath with the top layers left long giving the appearance of stringy long mop hair. It took about eight months to grow the mop out. That’s when the salon phobia started and I simply didn’t know what stylist I could trust. Was there a stylist out there who listens? I didn’t want Katie Holmes’ chic coif or Posh Spice’s fierce bob—I just wanted a stylish, flattering cut that suited me—how did that become so difficult?
Then, through much online research, I found Eva Scrivo. I knew Scrivo must be good; after all, she styles Martha Stewart's hair as well as Sally Field and Katie Lee Joel.
I called the downtown NYC salon and explained my hair trauma. Even the receptionist seemed to calm my nerves—I felt a sense of relaxation I had not experienced at other hair establishments. Then, the big day arrived and I admit I was still nervous. Looking like Cousin It, my long, shapeless hair was nearly one-length and desperately needed a makeover.

In her self-assured manner, Scrivo somehow erased any last-minute jitters I had. She recommended I remove some of the weight from my hair and add more layers, which would give it dimension and movement—I agreed. I wanted the life and energy back in my hair. I had faith—this whole cut and experience was going to be good. I had a feeling.
Fortunately, I was right—I love the cut (see below). My hair moves. It bounces. It feels lighter. It seems to shine more. I love the way it feels and I will definitely be back.

Scrivo is more like an architect of hair and her philosophy toward hair is based on each individual—she designs a cut based on the woman’s face shape but also her wish list. This personalized attention is what was missing from my previous hair experiences.
In one day, my faith in hair stylists was restored. Thank you Eva Scrivo. Thank you.
Obviously, not everyone is in NYC and can go to the Eva Scrivo salon, but below are Scrivo’s tips on hairstyling, what defines a great cut and how to find a stylist you will love—at a salon near you.
You can also receive more beauty tips from Scrivo on her beauty blog at: and catch her on live radio on Tuesdays at 4 p.m. EST on Sirius Radio 112.
What’s your approach to hair styling?
I design a haircut based on not only a woman’s face shape but also what her wish list is. Let’s say she always wanted to broaden her face or make her eyes seem wider. The architecture of good haircutting supports those desires. You can cut layers at the point where you want to bring definition to. You can also use asymmetrical lines to soften the lines around the neck, strengthen a cheekbone and slim the face.
How do you define a good haircut?
It’s kind of like a much less-expensive facelift. A woman can look 10 years younger with the art of hairdressing. Here at the salon we educate every stylist to look at every woman as an individual and beauty as a whole.
For instance, adding height to the top of the hair can make women look taller and slimmer. For women with a long, narrow face you can strengthen the width of the left and right of the hair shape. Good hairdressing becomes a way to balance one’s features.
We’ve all seen what a bad haircut can do – it actually makes us look different. So when you have a good haircut it makes you feel and look beautiful. And every face shape is different and every head shape is different, so stylists need to look not just at celebrities and trends but how do you stylize and customize the cut to the individual.
How do you know if you have a good cut?
If you can work with a haircut in less than 20 minutes you have a great haircut. If the hair moves, you have a great haircut because hair is about a feeling.
Why should someone invest in a haircut?
First of all, there’s happiness. If you’re not happy, nothing has any value no matter how expensive or what kind of deal you have. And if you spend $100 on a service that actually makes you look better, it’s one night on the town or one dinner out. With what women spend on handbags and shoes, a haircut is a permanent accessory that compliments every step you take and can make you move through the world with more confidence. It’s a very powerful thing and something that is worth the investment.
What should stylists do to ensure they’re giving a good cut?
Stylists need to take their time and not only putting in a strong shape initially in cutting the hair wet but recutting the hair dry to remove excess weight where necessary and when needed. And look objectively at the work and see what the haircut might need. It’s really about taking the time for the finishing look. The more even and perfect the haircut the more balanced it is and the easier it is to style.
What tips can you give to someone to find a good stylist?
If you’re going to someone in your hometown – I recommend asking how many years experience they have – over five years is a good indicator and how much advanced education they have, have they went through Vidal Sassoon and Tony & Guy training— those are usually good advanced courses. Schedule a consultation, which is usually complimentary; ask them if they have a portfolio that you can see. They might have their own Web site or just a few snapshots. Some people have it on Facebook. A good stylist will have samplings of their work and take pride in their work and they’re usually working in fashion or editorial. Also, just asking someone – if you see someone with hair similar to your texture or thickness I think it’s very appropriate to ask someone where they go.
Do photos help?
I love photos, they help bridge the gap of communication, I also love photos of what they don’t like. It just makes my job easier. I like having more visual examples. I think it’s very important to see. I’ve even had clients bring photos of themselves like ‘I hated this,’ ‘I loved this,’ and ‘This was my favorite time with my hair’ and I find that to be very helpful to what the client really wants.
Do you have to go to the best hair salon in town to get a good cut?
I think going to a higher-end salon increases the potential of being happy because the top stylists have experience whether they went to advanced training or are trained by the owner personally. At high-end salons, there’s a grueling apprentice program and usually 1 out of 10 make it to become stylists. At the same token, a junior stylist trained by an owner personally might be far more advanced than someone who has had no training and has been working for 20 years.
Go for a consultation and think of it as you’re interviewing the stylist. You’re the client and it’s your money. Remember this is a service business, it’s an artistic business, too. You don’t walk into a restaurant and you don’t have whatever the chef tells you.
So often, stylists do have attitudes. What do you think about that?
Never feel uncomfortable. Ultimately it’s about having your needs met and hurting someone else’s feelings is not as important as the client being happy.
Everyone always asks me how to break up with my stylist and I say first of all ‘you’re not in an intimate relationship.’ But I recommend writing a note and say ‘you might see me again and I just want to make a change. I really just wanted to try something new.’ A client should never have to feel they have to explain anything.
As a stylist, who do you respect in the business and what do you love?
I love the Bumble and Bumble techniques and their razoring I think are great. The Wella hair coloring techniques. I look to the streets of New York for inspiration, British fashion magazines. Old movies. I think all of these are great when it comes to iconic beauty and how we can bring some of that shape and glamour into this millennium.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Lazy Women's Hot Hair
by Stephanie Huszar
Fake hot-roller waves in 25 minutes
You’ll save: About 35 minutes (a blowout and full head of curlers can take a good hour).
Meticulously curling every last strand isn’t the only way to transform flat hair into lush waves. “Forget the hair underneath—just pay attention to the parts that show,” says backstage pro Kevin Ryan. Blow-dry while combing hair with your fingers, pull bottom layers into a ponytail to get them out of the way and blow out just the top and front sections with a round brush. While hair is still warm, wrap two-inch chunks of hair around large Velcro rollers—five should do it (remember, you only care about the top). Mist with hairspray (try Paul Mitchell Extra-Body Firm Finishing Spray, $15, for salons). Hang for 10 minutes—do your makeup!—and remove rollers. Voilá: voluptuous waves. Watch out, Gisele!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
How to choose a cosmetology school
How to Choose a Cosmetology School |
by Robyn Tellefsen |
Now that you know cosmetology is the career for you, you need to decide where you'll acquire the skills to succeed in the industry. With all the cosmetology schools out there, how do you know which one to choose, and where to start? (Tip: Start here.)>> Pick your program. In the end, you are responsible for your own career success. But training and connections from a top cosmetology school can provide the tools you need to chart your course in the beauty industry. Choose wisely! original post found at: |
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
5 Tips for Running Your Own Beauty Business
I found a great Beauty Business Blog today... has some great ideas. Here's the link for the blog where I got this article from:
5 Tips for Running Your Own Beauty Business
May 19th, 20091. Do what you love.
For your business to be successful, you have to be passionate about the services you provide. You figured out when you attended cosmetology school for beauty training what you do and don’t like to do. This means if you’re an esthetician but you don’t enjoy waxing, you don’t necessarily have to provide this service. Or if you’re a cosmetologist who isn’t passionate about hair extensions, why waste your time? Do what you love and be amazing at it. If you love every minute of what you do, your clients can tell. They will recognize your passion for beauty and keep coming back.
2. Create a website.
Websites are one of the top ways people find services. A beautiful website sets the mood for your business and can be a deciding factor for a potential client who is choosing between you and your competitors. It can also be an additional way to provide product for your clients. Online social networking is also a great way to spread the word about your business and your website.
3. Sell top-of-the-line products and services.
The products and services you offer don’t have to be extremely expensive, but they should be something your clients don’t have easy access to. Make sure the products and services you provide are something you truly believe in. For example, if you are passionate about organic beauty products make sure that is what you provide to your customers. Finally, know about your products to the tiniest detail, and be prepared to answer any questions your clients might have about them.
4. Network.
Word-of-mouth is a great way to boost your clientele, so be sure get your name out to as many potential clients and industry professionals as possible. Don’t be afraid to hand out your beautiful business card! Networking can also lead you to possible partnerships and long-lasting professional relationships. Beauty business owners can often partner up to cut down on costs and increase clientele.
5. Take care of yourself.
When you’re running a beauty business, it’s often difficult to make time for yourself. But it’s especially important in the beauty industry because your appearance matters to your clients. Take care of yourself not only for clients – but for you as well. Pampering yourself can help keep you focused, relaxed and happy even with the stresses owning a business can bring.
Are you already a successful beauty business owner?
With these 5 tips as a springboard, you will be well on your way to successful beauty business ownership in no time. You’ve got the beauty skills, now show them off! Are you already a successful beauty business owner? What success tips do you have to offer other aspiring beauty entrepreneurs?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
New School Open
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Thursday, February 19, 2009
Benefits of Beauty School
When you learn through schools like cosmetology schools then you are prepared to get started with your career without any training. You can walk right out of beauty schools and get a job as a professional in the field because you will have your nail license. You will also have hands on training which provides the required experience needed. You will be confident in your training and your work to be able to immediately begin working as a professional in the field.
Another excellent benefit of beauty schools when you get your nail license is that the schools will help you find work. They will work with you through your very first job to find opportunities with your career that fit you best. If you are ever laid off then you can work with them to find other employment. You don't have to worry about your career because they will help you along the way establish yourself as a professional.
There are many benefit of attending beauty schools. The biggest benefit is that the schools will help you with your career and find work that is right for you. You will have the hands on experience required to immediately begin your career as a professional and be comfortable too.
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